Guarana / Guarana and Ginseng
Guarana is a tropical
woody vine native to the Amazon region in South America.
The Amazon Indians chewed the seeds as a source of energy
and its cultivation dates to pre-Columbian times. Botanists
believe the current plants, even those found in dense forests,
are the remains of indigenous cultivation in the past.
Guarana means "strength" and its Latin name Paullinia
Cupana or Paullinia Sorbilis is known worldwide. The botanical
name comes from C.F. Paullini, a German medical botanist
who lived in the 18th century.
Some of the beneficial
effects of Guarana come from a clutch of xanthines,
known in its country of origin as Guaraneine. These include
a tetramethylxanthine at a level of between 3% and 5%; around
1% theobromine which is united with tannic acid and catechutannic
acid starch.
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5000mg 30 vials |
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Guarana is a natural herbal ingredient from South America that
may help to relieve nervous tension, stress and mild anxiety
while offering a general calming effect. It may also be beneficial
in enhancing your stamina and endurance. |
Guarana & Ginseng 5000mg 30 vials |
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Ginseng & Guarana si a herbal tonic
that helps to relieve stress and nervous tension, while providing
stamina and endurance during times of physical exertion.Combination
of Guarana and Ginseng retards the aging process, keeps arthritic
and cardiovascular disease at bay, provides energy to the elderly
and offers lifelong vitality |
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What are they?
Ginsenocides fall into a group of related phyto-chemicals (plant chemicals) called saponins that are found inmany plants. The ones in ginseng are called ginsenocides. The range for samples tested will be from one to five per cent. Asian and North American ginseng have different amounts of these chemicals in their structure causing them to do slightly different things, yet they are much the same. North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) has 29 * different ginsenocides, which are a higher total percentage than the 20 * ginsenocides found in Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng). This does not necessarily make North American ginseng better for all things, as the distribution of the individual ginsenocides is important; for example, Rb1 is very high in North American ginseng compared
to Asian..........More
Ginseng articles: |
Proof of the mysterious efficacy of ginseng - We are exposed to many external and internal stresses in this day and age. Stress weakens the function of immune systems in living organisms and disturbs homeostasis. As a result, stress induces various psychosomatic diseases. Thus, ways of reducing stress and thus protecting humans from disease must be developed.
Australian ginseng - The growth in ginseng trading has led to the establishment of an Australian industry based on the growing of American ginseng.
Free radical scavenging activity of red ginseng aqueous extracts - Ginseng extracts scavenged 40% of hydroxyl radical at 0.1 mg/ml......
Effects of American Ginseng Berry Extract on Blood Glucose Levels - Our results support in vivo antihyperglycemic and antiobese activity of American ginseng berry extract that may prove to be of clinical importance in the prevention and treatment of Type 2 diabetes.